Article 16417

Title of the article



Timofeeva Natal'ya Yur'evna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economics, economic analysis and management, Bunin Yelets State University (28 Kommunarov street, Yelets, Lipetsk region, Russia),

Index UDK

338.27; 338.431.6




Background. Changes in the system of higher education, the need to ensure equal rights in higher education without discrimination call forth the study of international experience to ensure equality in the system of higher education. One of the traditional and, at the same time, actual problems in the U.S. higher education system is the problem of racial and national equality and overcoming discriminatory theory and practice, in particular the doctrine of “separated, but equal”. The goal of the study is to analyze the genesis of the said doctrine in practice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Materials and methods. Implementation of the research objectives was achieved on the basis of the analysis of the main decisions of the Supreme Court of the USA,  hat demonstrate substantiation, development, and then the denial of the doctrine of “separated, but equal”. A special place in the framework of this study is occupied by the cases of Plessy vs. Ferguson, Sipuel vs. Board of Regents, McLaurin vs. Board of Regents of the State of Oklahoma, Sweet vs. Paintner, Brown vs. Board of Education. Methodology includes the methods of comparative and historical legal analysis, which allows to compare the contents and implications for the development of theory and practice of legal regulation of landmark decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court based on the specific historical circumstances of their adoption.
Results. The authors have investigated formation and development of the doctrine of “separated, but equal” in the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, analyzed the basis of revealed discriminatory nature of this theory and practice, and considered the causes and conditions of its termination in the U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
Conclusions. Examination of the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court allows to  realize the reasons, the grounds and contents of the doctrine of “separated, but equal”, to reveal its discriminatory essence, to determine that education has become one of the most important fields of application of this doctrine, and then of its abolition. It also allows to take into account the foreign experience in the provision of national and racial equality in order to ensure genuine equality in the sphere of higher education in our country.

Key words

agricultural producers of the Lipetsk region, the regression analysis of growth curves, the level of profitability, the indicators of technological efficiency of production

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Дата создания: 26.04.2018 11:45
Дата обновления: 26.04.2018 14:12